Capturing timecodes during live cueing
Capturing timecodes during live speech input
Q-Live provides the ability to capture rough timecodes during live subtitling. To do this you must first enable the PC Clock as the timecode source.
Q-Live uses the PC Clock as the timecode source. This can be configured for framerate in the PC Clock settings.
When PC Clock is enabled, the timecode display (above) will show the current time.
You can pause the running timecode by clicking inside the timecode display. The numbers will dim to indicate that the timecode is paused. Click on the timecode display again to restart the timecode.
You must enable the PC Clock as described in the previous section.
When you cue a subtitle in live mode, Q-Live fixes its In time as the current value of the PC Clock at the moment that the Cue key was pressed. Q-Live floats the subtitle's Out time based on the current default display rate (even if the enable box is unchecked).
If the Store Timecodes from Video Window option from the Live Output Settings> Live - user settings is selected along with the Clear current subtitle by reading rate option and the Add cued subtitles to queue option from the Live Output Settings> Live - customer settings then the timecodes will work differently. If subtitles are cued out faster than the reading rate allows them to be on air, causing the subtitles to be added to the queue and released when the reading rate allows, then the timecodes will be altered to match when they are released to air. (when they appear in the Video Window).
If you use the Clear key to manually clear a subtitle from air then Wincaps Q4 will fix its Out time to the value of the PC Clock at the moment when the Clear key was pressed. Note that this is only really meaningful in block transmission mode.
Note that the timing rules will always prevent subtitles from overlapping by reducing the Out time of the previous subtitle if necessary. You can take advantage of other timing rules where appropriate. For example, you might want to enable the minimum gap rule to automatically enforce a gap between adjacent subtitles.
Q-Live provides the ability to capture rough timecodes during live speech and Stenograph input.
Note that this feature is only available for the following types of live input:
Direct Dragon speech input
Speech input via the SpeakTitle window
Stenograph input
You must enable the PC Clock as described in the previous section. Ensure that the current story doesn't have a media file attached.
Note that for this feature to work correctly, the current story must not have a media file attached.
Whenever a word or phrase arrives in the current subtitle in live mode, Q-Live sets the timecode of the last word using the current value of the timecode source at the moment that the last word was received. Q-Live then works back through the rest of the received text, calculating and assigning word timings based on the current default display rate. Although these word timings are not directly visible, Q-Live can use them to determine the subtitle In and Out times whenever live input text is split off from the top of the current subtitle. Note that the timing rules are not applied during live input, though Q-Live will ensure that the captured timecodes do not overlap.
If desired, you can compensate for the time delay between speaking the phrase and the text arriving in the subtitle. This is done simply by subtracting a configurable speech time delay from the value of the timecode source. This delay value is configured in the Speech Time tab of the Configure Live Settings dialog.